Contacts+ linkedin
Contacts+ linkedin

So rather than racing to 500, focus on building connections that matter. You give them as much as you want to receive, and you stay in touch whether or not either of you needs something. (If you cold call 1,000 people, someone is bound to bite, right?!) On the other hand, “connections” are two-way: You care about the people who are in your network. It’s a numbers game in which you believe your chances are better by having as many as possible. In networking, you can think of people as “contacts” or as “connections.” Contacts are one-way: You only reach out when you need something.

contacts+ linkedin

He wasn’t looking to connect with me-he was looking to add contacts to his Rolodex. In addition to making me suspicious that I was being Catfished by someone pretending to be a successful businessperson, I felt that I was being used to get access to my own network. I kid you not, the very next day, he sent me another request and a message thanking me for looking at his profile. Last month, when I was reviewing my connections, I saw his profile again and promptly deleted him. I had never met him before, but because of our overlapping networks and his intriguing professional background, I accepted the request.Īfter accepting, I sent him a message to introduce myself, ask a few questions about his company, and set up a call to get to know each other.

contacts+ linkedin

Last year, I received a LinkedIn request from a person with whom I shared over 40 mutual connections. I’ll use a cautionary tale to show you what to avoid and how to make connections that matter. And, if that’s your only goal for LinkedIn, you’re doing something wrong. Having an impressive number up there is great, right? I think of this every time I hear someone talking about getting to 500+ connections on LinkedIn.

Contacts+ linkedin